Set in a dystopian near-future Japan, a dog-flu virus spreads, leading to all dogs being banished to Trash Island. The orphaned nephew of the authoritarian mayor sets off on a quest to find his lost dog, with the help of a pack of dogs led by Chief. Along the way, they encounter cannibal dogs, a conspiracy, and the fight to save the canine population. Ultimately, they succeed in exposing the corruption, finding a cure, and reintegrating dogs into society.
Out is a heartwarming animated movie that tells the story of a dog named Max who is struggling to come out as gay to his family. With the help of a magical collar, Max swaps bodies with his loyal pet dog, Baxter, in an attempt to hide his true identity. As Max navigates through this unusual situation, he learns valuable lessons about love, acceptance, and the importance of being true to oneself.
Tequila and Bonetti is an American comedy-drama series
In this soft reboot of Tequila et Bonetti (1992), a tough Italian American cop arrives through an international police exchange program in Rome, Italy, where he is teamed up with his new partner, a sentient local police dog with a cool attitude.
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