Fallen Angels is a dark and surreal crime drama directed by Wong Kar-wai. The film follows the lives of several characters, including a mute man, a hired assassin, and a female accomplice, as they navigate the dangerous and unpredictable streets of Hong Kong. With themes of love, loneliness, and existentialism, Fallen Angels explores the complexities of human relationships in a visually stunning and poetic way.
Down on her luck and in debt, Emily joins a credit card scam in Los Angeles. She meets Youcef, an organizer of the fraud ring, and they form a romance. They plan to rob the ring after a falling-out with Khalil, but things go wrong. Emily chooses to abandon Youcef and take the money for herself. She escapes to South America and starts her own fraud ring.
In Down in the Valley, a rebellious daughter's romantic involvement with an enigmatic stranger leads her down a dangerous path in the modern-day San Fernando Valley. As their relationship unfolds, tensions rise and secrets are revealed, ultimately spiraling into a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and self-discovery.
Sleepless Night in Paris follows a young man in Paris who has his bicycle stolen, leading him on a journey through the city as he encounters a homeless man, gets involved in drug dealing, and has a one-night stand. Along the way, he experiences a series of unforgettable events that challenge his perspective on life and love.
In the traffic-laden streets of Metro Manila, two brothers use the chaos of the city roads as a smokescreen for their shady occupation tandem robbers on motorbike. But when a robbery goes sour, the brothers are forced to graduate from low level thieves to high profile hit men in an act that tests both their resolve and their relationship.
Stuck in the suburbs of Helsinki, 20-year-old Markus plans on moving to New York, his sights set on pursuing streetball fame. With little money behind him, he turns to the local loan shark - and when he discovers that Markus has no plans to repay him, things take a turn for the worse.
A U.S. engineer in Spain hunts thieves of two candlesticks, one of which is found in his suitcase.
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