Only Fools and Horses is a beloved comedy TV show that follows the adventures of the Trotter family, a working-class British family involved in various schemes and trading. The show revolves around the lives of Del Boy, the ambitious and street-smart older brother, and Rodney, the naive and well-meaning younger brother. Together with their eccentric grandfather and their loyal friends, they navigate the ups and downs of life in their council estate, constantly striving for success and a better life. With its witty dialogue, memorable catchphrases, and heartwarming family dynamics, Only Fools and Horses has become a cult classic that continues to entertain audiences to this day.
Bread is a sitcom set in Liverpool, England, and revolves around the Boswell family. The show follows the lives of the Boswell siblings as they navigate through various comedic situations, including unemployment scams, family dynamics, and relationships.
Beethoven's 2nd is a family comedy film released in 1993. The movie follows the adventures of a mischievous and lovable St. Bernard dog named Beethoven. The Newton family faces various comedic challenges as they try to control Beethoven, deal with a dysfunctional family dynamic, and navigate relationships.
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium is a magical toy store run by the eccentric Mr. Magorium. When he decides to sell the store, it causes chaos as the toys come to life and try to convince him not to go. A young boy named Eric and a skeptical accountant named Henry must learn to believe in the magic of the store and save it from being sold.
A retired general in 1950s Greece, struggling with poverty, finds purpose when he becomes a hero through his sculpting. With the help of his cousin, he creates a statue to honor the fallen soldiers of World War Two and becomes an inspiration to his community.
Years ago, Grigoris was forced to sell four velvet armchairs to the junk dealer. After the death of his aunt, he was informed that her entire legacy, which was a box of jewelry, was hidden in one of those four armchairs. In the meantime, the armchairs had been sold to other people, and so a desperate quest for the right armchair begins, resulting in many and sometimes grotesque adventures.
Odysseas Akribos is a watchmaker and wants his life to roll like clock. However, the death of his partner and his children's comrades, Angelos and Katia, will deconstructed him. He will try to put his old life in order starting with his co-operative, Electra.
Kernseif is an animated movie that tells the story of a group of individuals involved in the illicit drug trade. It explores the consequences and challenges they face in their pursuit of money and power. The movie highlights the dangers and dark side of the drug business, while also shining a light on the personal struggles of the characters involved. With stunning animation and a gripping plot, Kernseif takes viewers on a thrilling and thought-provoking journey.
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