Return to Peyton Place follows the lives and scandals of the residents of a small town. It explores themes of small-town drama, romantic jealousy, and family relationships. Based on the novel, the movie delves into the disapproving and manipulative mother-daughter relationships, secrets, infidelity, and the class-consciousness prevalent in the town. Set in New York City, the story revolves around an ensemble cast and the conflicts they face within their relationships. The movie portrays the dynamics of a matriarchal family, and the struggles of the characters living on the wrong side of the tracks. With its themes of possessive and evil mothers, the narrative exposes the religious hypocrisy and romantic rivalries prevalent in the town.
In 'The Third Eye', a young man discovers the disturbing truth about his emotionally abusive and domineering mother while living in a manor filled with bloodlust and hidden desires.
When a single mother gets caught in a time-loop, she must navigate through hilarious situations, family drama, and a fake marriage to find happiness and true love in time for Christmas.
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