Desperate Living follows the story of a group of misfits, including a lesbian couple, a homeless woman, and a self-castrating man, as they navigate a repressive society. In their desperate attempts to find freedom and acceptance, they resort to violence, cannibalism, and absurd behavior.
An erotic horror movie dedicated to Joe D Amato, Hyde's Secret Nightmare combines the two genres and mixes them in equal parts. Cross-cut erotic and horror scenes are kept together by a thread of dramatic force bordering on obsession, paranoia, phobia, perversion, and lack of self-acceptance. Everything unfolds in an extreme world where sex seems the only way to attain a state of well-being.
A documentary on the work of sex-change specialist Dr. Leo Wollman, including interviews with Dr. Wollman and a few of his patients, with an illustrated lecture on the various aspects of transsexuality plus actual footage of a sex-change operation, which is what gives the film its notoriety
The story of a group of monks, who are enjoying the forbidden pleasure of sexual adventures.
Sayaka is a professional lesbian who goes by the nickname "Three Years of Climax." On the other hand, Chiyo is a bisexual player. Based on these two's spectacular abnormal play, various men and women become involved in their perverted acts. Who will win in the actual lesbian battle on the bridge, Sayaka or Chiyo-kun...?
A podcaster investigates the urban legend of an amateur porn video that drives its viewers to madness.
Five transgender women share their prison experiences. Interviews with attorneys, doctors, and other experts are also included.
Muhammad, a rejected boy from the fringe of society, floats through the streets of a filthy city, exposed and desolated, until he meets Gurevich; a lone rover who rides his motorcycle into the bowels of the city, through the shadows of the back alleys, sharpening the knives of butcher shops and gourmet restaurants. Stubborn and tenacious, the boy forces his way under the man's wing. Within this hypnotic urban hell, what starts as an unstable and hesitant apprenticeship evolves into a struggle for self-control.
Adult Swim's short CGI spoof which reenacts the most messed up parts of the Bible in a gory and over the top way.
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