Orphan Black is a thrilling sci-fi TV show that follows the story of Sarah Manning, a woman who discovers she is one of several clones. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she must navigate a dangerous world of secrets, conspiracies, and hidden agendas in order to uncover the truth about her origin and the purpose behind the clones. Along the way, Sarah forms alliances with other clones and together they fight to survive and take control of their own destinies.
Suddenly, Fei Xingkong and Si Rui discovered that they were confined to a comic book cage. Their desire was to return to the real world. But in the world of stories that never stops changing, they were forced to escape the total control of the "author"...
A boy has strange recurring dreams each night about a window he can never quite see through. Little does he realize just how significant these dreams truly were.
A desperate teen tries to save himself and the girl he loves after discovering he's transforming into a vampire.
Psychotherapist Robert is very happy being a bachelor, as relationships scare him. He spends his days in his private practice, listening to his clients and wondering whether or not mental health"bugs" are something that always needs fixing.
In the year 2090, during a civil war between humans and androids, a robotics engineer tries to bring her fallen lover back to life.
How does the most famous man in the world go missing overnight and is never heard from again for three years? That's what our host Leo is trying to find out, delving into the depths of the Brett Pick timeline, documenting his process of interviewing, researching, and finding answers to his questions. This is the Brett Pick story.
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