Katie's Mom is a heartwarming comedy that follows the story of a recent divorcee who is celebrating the holidays with her adult children. However, their gathering takes an unexpected turn when she finds herself falling for her daughter's charming new boyfriend. Drawing inspiration from the classic film 'The Graduate,' the movie presents a comedic take on the situation, portraying the events from the perspective of a protagonist reminiscent of the iconic character Mrs. Robinson.%s
After realizing her unhappy marriage, Liz embarks on a round-the-world journey to discover herself. Through eating in Italy, praying in India, and finding love in Bali, she learns the power of self-discovery and true happiness.
After a traumatic event, a man joins a retreat to find self-actualization. However, he soon realizes that the seminar is not what it seems as he gets caught up in a mind game involving manipulation, blackmail, and violence. He must navigate through the cult-like group and their sinister tactics while trying to uncover the truth and regain control of his life.
Bhaji on the Beach is a comedy-drama movie that follows a group of Indian women from Birmingham who go on a day trip to Blackpool. As they enjoy the beach and amusement park, they also face personal challenges including domestic violence, interracial relationships, and unwanted pregnancies. Through their journey, they find strength, friendship, and self-empowerment.
Lola is an independent woman, a professional writer with 2 men on a string. Both men are married with children. When the men, and Lola, face having to make choices, Lola's comfortable life becomes less appealing.
Following the death of their mother, an identical twin pulls away to establish her own independence, while the other unravels and plots to end her sister’s new beginning. Inspired by true events.
In the Intense Now is a powerful documentary that delves into the political and social upheaval of the 1960s. Through a collection of archival footage, the film examines the protests, riots, and revolutions that shaped this transformative era. It also reflects on questions of self-actualization and the implications of political movements.
Living in a small rural town, with little available emotional help around her, a young woman returns for a visit to her therapist. She finally receives a profoundly symbolic message, guiding her to find answers and solutions while living in a toxic relationship.
Françoise breaks up with Jacques after living with him for fifteen years. She's left alone with their three children, a lovely home, and her nursing job at a hospital. Françoise quickly refuses to assume responsibility for this new situation beyond her control. She starts going out, living by night… hanging out in new places, ready for chance encounters.
Documentary by Aysun Bademsoy.
Five housewives, living in a housing estate in outer Adelaide, tell how they organized a mutual self-help group to overcome the boredom, frustration and loneliness of living in suburbia.
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