In this animated comedy short film, Tom the cat tries to catch Jerry the mouse who suddenly becomes invisible. Chaos ensues as Jerry outwits Tom using his invisibility to create mischief and escape from the cat's clutches. The film is filled with humorous and surreal moments as the two iconic characters engage in their classic cat-and-mouse chase.
In 'Puttin' on the Dog,' a mischievous mouse challenges a dog to a battle of wit and physical humor. The dog, determined to outsmart the mouse, disguises itself and engages in a series of comedic and surreal situations. Through a combination of clever tricks and hyperbolic physical distortion, the dog tries to catch the mouse but ends up getting caught in its own humorous traps. The film showcases the classic cat versus mouse chase, with a humorous twist and anthropomorphic animal characters.
In Little Quacker, Tom the cat tries to catch Jerry the mouse, but Jerry keeps outsmarting him. When a baby duckling hatches, Jerry and the duckling team up to protect it from Tom. Hilarious antics and misadventures follow as the unlikely duo tries to outwit the cat.
In this animated comedy, a quacking duck embarks on a wild adventure filled with surrealism, fortune-tellers, and hilarious mishaps. With a mix of comedy and adventure, the duck experiences anthropomorphic antics, pie-in-the-face moments, and even a fake injury stunt.
An Extraordinary Dislocation is a silent film that combines comedy and fantasy elements. The film revolves around a clown who performs a series of seemingly dangerous stunts, including trick photography that makes it appear as though he is torn to pieces and dismembered. The film showcases innovative special effects and visual tricks that were groundbreaking for its time.
The Big Bad Wolf stalks Little Bo Peep and steals one of her sheep. She enlists Little Boy Blue and a dancing scarecrow to assist her and her mischievous black sheep in rescuing it. Singing, dancing, hilarity and impalement ensue.
The boys are trying to hitch a ride with no luck. They see a car parked in front of a bank with the door open. They jump in against the driver's will, and a bank tobber runs out and jumps into his escape car, too. The boys get more of a ride than they wanted.
Heckle and Jeckle of the Northwest Unmounted Police pursue the dreaded outlaw, Powerful Pierre.
First, a bum comes along and steals their hat and replaces it with his flea-bitten one. Later, they are tormented at a diner when a hamburger comes to life! Later, after selling their instruments so they can get something to eat, they see a blind man begging on the street.
Sneak, Snoop and Snitch try to tunnel out of prison even though they've already been pardoned.
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