Set in 19th-century Paris during the Napoleonic era, the movie tells the story of Eugene Francois Vidocq, an escaped convict who becomes a criminal mastermind. Based on a true story, Vidocq forms a criminal gang and engages in various illegal activities. Along the way, he encounters a female pickpocket and they form a partnership. As they navigate the criminal underworld and evade the police, Vidocq seeks revenge for the murder of his girlfriend and attempts to build a new identity. The movie explores themes of betrayal, violence, and the struggle for redemption.
Two psychopathic young men, Peter and Paul, take a family hostage in their cabin by breaking George's leg with a golf club. They force the family to play sadistic games and bet on their survival. When the family's son, Georgie, tries to escape, he is shot dead. The men leave but return to capture Ann again. They stab George and give Ann a choice between a slow death with a knife or a quick death with a shotgun. Ann seizes the shotgun and kills Peter. Paul rewinds time and kills George. They take Ann on the family's boat and drown her. The cycle of murder restarts.
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