SP, also known as Security Police is a Japanese television drama based on the real life security police unit of Japan which is responsible for protecting domestic and foreign VIPs. The series script was written by famed GO author Kazuki Kaneshiro and marks his first time writing for a television drama. The drama centers on a newly recruited SP officer named Kaoru Inoue, who is the only SP officer known in the force to have sharp senses that enables him to conduct his duties by using this ESP sense to take down the threat before it appears to threaten the VIP and the civilians who are caught in the middle. The franchise consists of the TV series, two film adaptations of the series released in 2010 and 2011 with an ongoing manga adaptation.
An explosion take place in a street of Tokyo. Many people were killed or seriously injured. One casualty is Chihiro, the wife of Public Security chief inspector Kuraki Naotake. While trying to find why his wife was being implicated in the explosion case, Kuraki comes into contact with Public Security sergeant Akeboshi Miki and Metropolitan Police Department inspector Osugi Ryota who are also investigating this case.
The Fourth Man is a TV mini-series that tells the story of a police officer who embarks on a criminal investigation involving a murder with connections to politics and terrorism. Set in Stockholm, Sweden, the series explores themes of occupation, homophobia, and sexism. With a non-linear timeline and multiple time frames, the officer must navigate the complexities of the case to uncover the truth. Inspired by true events and featuring archive footage, the series delves into the past and present, highlighting the impact of the Red Army Faction and a cold case that resurfaces. A gripping police procedural that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
A group of detectives are assigned to protect a convicted killer who is targeted by a powerful bounty hunter. As they transport the killer across the country, they face numerous threats and obstacles, testing their loyalty and determination to fulfill their duty.
Death of a Pilgrim is a TV mini-series that takes place in Stockholm, Sweden, during the years 1985 and 1986. It follows the story of a Swedish police officer who investigates the murder of Olof Palme, the Prime Minister of Sweden, and unravels a conspiracy involving the security police, hitmen, and a web of corruption.
In Stockholm, 1976, a troubled teenage girl is drawn into a world of corruption and power when she becomes a call girl for a high-level politician. Based on a true story, the film explores the dark underbelly of Swedish politics and the struggles of the protagonist as she tries to navigate a dangerous and exploitative world.
Cry Freedom is a powerful drama based on the true story of Steve Biko, a black activist, and his relationship with a white journalist, Donald Woods. Set in the 1970s during the height of apartheid, the film explores themes of racial discrimination, social injustice, and the struggle for human rights. When Steve Biko is killed by the South African security police, Donald Woods risks his life to expose the truth and fight for justice.
Journalist Nina Wedén gets the political scoop century and finds herself fast-tracked to becoming the Press Secretary for Sweden's newly appointed Foreign Minister, Jacob Weiss.
Bullets is a gripping crime series that follows the life of an undercover detective as she investigates a complex narcotics case while dealing with her own personal struggles. The series explores themes of political corruption, terrorism, and marital troubles in a Nordic noir setting.
Enemy's Enemy follows the story of Carl Hamilton, a secret agent working for the Swedish intelligence agency. As he delves into a murder investigation, he uncovers a complex web of conspiracy involving the military and security forces. This gripping drama explores the life of a spy while navigating the treacherous world of espionage.
The Man from Majorca follows a police detective's investigation into a robbery and murder in Stockholm, Sweden. As he delves deeper into the case, he uncovers corruption within the police force and a cover-up involving high-ranking politicians. With car chases, foot chases, and intense action sequences, this movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
The Color of Friendship is based on a true story and takes place in the 1970s. The movie follows the friendship between Mahree, a white South African girl, and Piper, an African American girl from Washington, D.C. They become exchange students and live with each other's families in order to experience a different culture. However, their friendship is challenged by racial tension and societal expectations. Through their journey, they learn about the power of friendship and break down the barriers of prejudice.
As a group of Finish ecoterrorists escalate their attacks, they are pursued by an environmentally conscious detective who's less radical about his activism and tries to save the earth in his own personal way.
After the attack on the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the next duty of the fourth office will be to guard the National Assembly building. In the midst of security, Ogata keeps Inoue away from the main conference hall and puts his well-thought-out plan into action, and the parliament building is controlled by SPs and terrorists who support the revolution. Inoue notices something strange and starts to fight against the terrorists to stop Ogata.
August 9, 1945. An atomic bomb drops on Urakami, Nagasaki at 11:02am. The story of Dr. Nagai and his family.
Lone wolf detective with an enormous personal grievance seeks to connect the mysterious death of his daughter to an urban legend of a villain who terrorizes Japan by insinuating himself into people's dreams and the collective psyche of the Japanese people.
A Russian oligarch's spying on the Finnish government and power battle with Kremlin push Finland to the brink of war with Russia. It is up to Finnish Secret Police detective Arto Ratamo to expose the oligarch's ruthless manoeuvres before Russia invades Finland.
Sture Letterström and Kurre Svensson take on the task of rescuing a secret document during World War II from a group of Swedish Nazis. Since both of them are known by the local Nazis, Sture takes on the role of Miss Märta Letterström, and Kurre also has to make use of his feminine side as well as a dress.
The terrorist Fors arrested after an attack on a OPEC meeting. Shortly afterwards town minister's daughter gets kidnapped by two men who require Fors be released and that he will flight phase to Albania. SÄPO agent Olsson will handle the case.
At an event hall in Roppongi Hills, there is a charity event for landmine eradication. Kaoru does security with Security Police officers Soichiro Ogata, Eri Sasamoto, Takahumi Yamamoto and Mitsuo Ishida. Kaoru Inoue senses a threatening existence and starts to suffer a severe headache and becomes dizzy. When Kaoru was young, his parents were killed by terrorists and that incident has had an traumatic effect on Kaoru since.