Cash Truck is a gripping action-crime-drama that follows the story of a new employee at an American company specializing in security for cash trucks. As he navigates the dangerous world of armored-truck heists, betrayal, and revenge, he becomes entangled in a conspiracy thriller that puts his life at risk. Fueled by the murder of his son, the protagonist seeks to uncover the truth and take down those responsible.
When a slacker's sister is kidnapped by a criminal organization, he reluctantly becomes a spy to rescue her. Along the way, he faces various comedic challenges and forms unlikely alliances to take down the villains.
Malik, an aspiring painter, takes a job as a security guard at an art museum to make extra cash. However things quickly become terrifying when the figure inside one of the paintings starts speaking to him and walking around at night.
On the Border is a crime drama thriller set on the Mexico-Texas border. It follows a security guard who finds himself caught in a web of deceit and danger when he becomes involved in a high-stakes bank robbery. As the heist unfolds, secrets are revealed, marriages are tested, and lives hang in the balance.
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