Seven Days in May follows the story of a US Air Force general who discovers a conspiracy within the Joint Chiefs of Staff to overthrow the President. As he tries to uncover the truth, he faces challenges from the Secret Service, kidnapping, and a race against time to prevent a military coup. Set during the Cold War, the movie explores themes of political power, loyalty, and the nuclear arms race.
In 'The Damned,' a group of youth-gang motorcycle enthusiasts in England discovers a secret military experiment that has caused the apocalypse. They must navigate the dangerous and mutated world as they try to survive and find a way to reverse the effects of the experiment. With the British army on their trail, they form a brother-sister team to outsmart their pursuers and uncover the truth.
In 'Attack from Space,' a superhero named Starman must defend Earth from an alien invasion. With his acrobatics and invincibility, he battles against traitors, rockets, nuclear weapons, and a secret underground military base. The fate of the world lies in Starman's hands as he fights to protect humanity and defeat the alien conspiracy.
In the year 1942, a covert operation is launched to uncover a secret military facility run by America's secret Nazis. This documentary explores the history of the operation, from the prisoner-of-war camps to the intelligence gathering efforts. It delves into the involvement of German rocket scientists in the space race and the subsequent impact on the Cold War and the Apollo program. The film also sheds light on Operation Paperclip and the controversial recruitment of former Nazis by NASA. Through animation and filmmaking techniques, this movie uncovers the hidden truths of America's secret Nazi operation.
Super criminals are planning to infiltrate Earth with mass nuclear destruction! Only Starman can defend civilization by thwarting evil!
When a warning signal from outer space is received, scientists discover that it is a message of an impending alien attack. As natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions begin to occur, they must find a way to stop the impending doom. With the help of a secret military project and a professor, they uncover the truth and try to save humanity.
During World War II, Clark Kent and Lois Lane find themselves in a jungle adventure, battling against Nazis and a high priest.
In Flesh Wounds, a team of mercenaries find themselves being hunted by a deadly cyborg villain. They soon discover that they have been set up by a secret military experiment and must fight for their survival. With advanced technology like cloaking devices and heat vision, the cyborg villain proves to be a formidable enemy. As the team navigates through a treacherous island and dense forest, they uncover a secret military project and must stop the general behind it before it's too late.
In the year 1999, a special unit of the CIA is tasked with investigating a meteorite crash that leads to the possession of innocent people by evil alien symbiotes. A group of skilled soldiers and a female telepath must uncover the truth behind the alien attack and stop the possessed bikers from wreaking havoc on the world. As they infiltrate a secret military facility, they face explosions, machine gun battles, and encounters with the powerful alien parasites. Will they be able to save humanity from this deadly threat?
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