Partners in Crime follows the adventures of a husband and wife detective duo, Tommy and Tuppence, as they solve various crimes. When a murder investigation leads them to a secret device that can cause age regression, the couple must race against time to stop those who want to exploit its powers.
Even Pigeons Go to Heaven is a short animated film about an old man who is close to death and wants to cheat his way into heaven. He comes up with a plan to use a secret device to trick the grim reaper and secure a place in paradise. However, things don't go as planned, and he learns a valuable lesson about the consequences of his actions.
Inside the lab of Q
An American art collector, living in France in the 1870s, who loses his fortune in a stock market crash devises a scheme to get back his wealth through insurance fraud with the added consequence of potentially killing hundreds of people. His scheme is to place his art collection aboard a ship, insure the collection far beyond its value, and place a barrel of dynamite with a clock-piece timed to go off when the ship is at sea.
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