Get Smart is a comedy TV show set in the 1960s. It follows the adventures of Maxwell Smart, a bumbling secret agent who works for CONTROL, a secret organization. Together with his partner Agent 99, Smart battles KAOS, an evil organization intent on world domination. With hilarious mishaps, high-tech gadgets, and clever parodies of the spy genre, Get Smart delivers laughs and excitement.
In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire's ultimate weapon of destruction. They face various obstacles, including a power-hungry Imperial officer and the devastating capabilities of the Death Star. With self-sacrifice and determination, they fight against the odds to save the rebellion and fulfill the dream of their fallen loved ones.
An American agent, Ethan Hunt, is wrongfully accused of disloyalty and must uncover the true spy within his organization, while on a mission to prevent the theft of a covert agent list in Eastern Europe.
An elite military unit known as G.I. Joe takes on an evil organization led by a notorious arms dealer. The arms dealer has created Nanomites, powerful weapons capable of destroying anything, and plans to use them for world domination. G.I. Joe must stop him and save the world from his sinister plans.
A frustrated office worker named Wesley Gibson discovers that his recently murdered father was an assassin and that he shares his father's superhuman killing abilities. He is recruited by a secret society of assassins called the Fraternity to avenge his father's death and stop the killer. Wesley undergoes intense training and learns to control his abilities. Along the way, he uncovers the deception and corruption within the Fraternity and must confront his own destiny to free himself from a life of violence.
A resourceful British government agent, James Bond, is assigned to investigate the disappearance of a colleague and the disruption of the American space program. He teams up with a CIA agent and a local fisherman to uncover a secret island owned by the villainous Dr. No. Bond must navigate deadly encounters, betrayal, and a plot to disrupt a space launch. With his wits and skills, Bond defeats Dr. No and escapes the island with the help of a shell diver named Honey Ryder.
Code Lyoko follows a group of four friends who discover a virtual world called Lyoko and must use their unique abilities to fight against a powerful artificial intelligence named X.A.N.A. The group must protect both the virtual world and the real world from X.A.N.A.'s plans.
James Bond is assigned to stop a Russian crime syndicate from using a stolen space-based weapons program called 'GoldenEye' after a fellow 00 agent is killed. Bond suspects the involvement of a former agent and must prevent the syndicate from devastating London with the weapon. Alongside Natalya, a survivor of an attack on a weapons control facility, Bond infiltrates the syndicate's hidden base and ultimately saves the day.
James Bond is assigned to investigate the hijacking of a space shuttle and discovers a plan to destroy human life by launching globes dispensing a deadly nerve gas into Earth's atmosphere. With the help of an astronaut named Holly Goodhead, Bond must stop the mastermind behind the plot, Hugo Drax, and his henchman Jaws. Bond and Goodhead destroy the space station and the globes, saving humanity from extinction.
Roy Neary, an electric lineman, has his life turned upside down after a close encounter with a UFO. As he becomes obsessed with finding answers, strange events start happening all over the world. Roy's pursuit leads him to a mysterious mountain where he discovers the truth about the extraterrestrial life and joins a group of people selected to leave with the aliens.
James Bond and the Japanese Secret Service must find and stop the true culprit of a series of space hijackings, before war is provoked between Russia and the United States. American NASA spacecraft Jupiter 16 is hijacked from orbit by an unidentified spaceship. To investigate, MI6 operative James Bond is sent to Tokyo, after faking his own death in Hong Kong. Bond discovers a secret organization affiliated with SPECTRE, led by Ernst Stavro Blofeld, and their plan to start a Soviet-American war. With the help of the Japanese Secret Service and a team of ninjas, Bond infiltrates the organization's hidden base inside a volcano, defeats Blofeld, and prevents the war from happening.
Astronaut Roy McBride undertakes a mission across an unforgiving solar system to uncover the truth about his missing father and his doomed expedition that now, 30 years later, threatens the universe. Roy's mission is to contact his father from Mars and try to ascertain the situation. He confronts his father and plants a nuclear payload to stop the surges caused by the malfunctioning antimatter power source. The data suggests that humans are the only intelligent life in the universe.
In the year 2018, a secret Nazi base on the dark side of the moon launches an invasion of Earth. The President of the United States, a female politician from New York City, and a group of scientists must team up to fight against the Nazis and prevent a nuclear explosion. With thrilling space combat, explosions, and steampunk elements, this action-packed movie takes viewers on a wild ride.
Spy Hard is a comedy film that parodies the spy genre. It follows Agent WD-40 as he tries to stop an evil general from launching a missile. With ridiculous sight gags and over-the-top humor, Spy Hard is a hilarious guilty pleasure.
In the small town of Glipforg, an astronaut named Captain Charles T. Baker lands on Planet 51, only to discover that the inhabitants are just as afraid of him as he is of them. With the help of a friendly teenager, he must find a way back to his spaceship and avoid being captured by the government.
A CIA officer is scapegoated for the death of an interrogation subject and becomes the target of a rendition operation.
Dragon Tiger Gate follows the story of two brothers, Dragon Wong and Tiger Wong, who are trained in martial arts and possess supernatural powers. They must navigate through the dangerous world of triads and protect their city from evil. Along the way, they must confront their past and face powerful enemies. With thrilling fight scenes and a captivating storyline, Dragon Tiger Gate is a must-watch for action movie fans.
Army ranger Joe Armstrong is ordered to protect a scientist and his daughter from a terrorist group. Along with his ninja skills, he must rely on his martial arts expertise to save them from danger.
Seven Days in May follows the story of a US Air Force general who discovers a conspiracy within the Joint Chiefs of Staff to overthrow the President. As he tries to uncover the truth, he faces challenges from the Secret Service, kidnapping, and a race against time to prevent a military coup. Set during the Cold War, the movie explores themes of political power, loyalty, and the nuclear arms race.
Area 51 is a horror sci-fi movie where a group of friends decide to break into the highly classified Area 51 military base in search of evidence of extraterrestrial life. As they infiltrate the base, they encounter mysterious happenings and face the dangers lurking within. Will they uncover the truth about alien existence or will they become victims of the security system designed to protect the secrets of Area 51?