City Island is a comedy-drama movie about a dysfunctional family living on City Island in the Bronx. The family, consisting of the patriarch, a prison guard with secret acting ambitions, his wife who suspects him of adultery, their teenage son with a fetish for chubby women, and their daughter who becomes an exotic dancer, reveal secrets and lies during their weekly family dinner. As the plot unfolds, various family members engage in deception, encounter romantic entanglements, and struggle with their own identities. The movie explores themes of love, family relationships, and the pursuit of personal ambitions.
In a futuristic space arena, a cyborg fighter must navigate through fixed games, alien robots, and personal agendas to survive and find hope.
Blanche Fury is a gothic noir film set in the year 1848. The story revolves around murder, inheritance, and illicit love. Blanche, a governess, becomes entangled in a web of deception and revenge after marrying into a wealthy family. As secrets unravel, Blanche finds herself facing a trial for murder.
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