Yosuga no Sora follows the story of Haruka and Sora Kasugano, twin siblings who move to the countryside after the death of their parents. They encounter various high school classmates and develop romantic relationships, including a complex and forbidden love between the brother and sister. The show explores themes of adolescence, coming-of-age, and tragedy.
Trade is a crime thriller movie that explores the dark world of human trafficking. It follows the journey of an insurance salesman who becomes involved in rescuing a young girl who has been kidnapped and forced into the sex trade. Along the way, he faces brutality, moral dilemmas, and the loss of innocence as he navigates the dangerous criminal underworld of Mexico and Texas.
Marquis de Sade follows the life of the controversial writer and his indulgence in perversions, debauchery, and sadomasochism during the 18th century in France. Imprisoned for his explicit writings, the Marquis de Sade pushes the boundaries of pleasure and pain, leaving a lasting impact on literature and sexuality.
When a woman's sister is killed by a vicious gang, she embarks on a dangerous journey of revenge. Along the way, she showcases her martial arts skills and battles various foes. With intense fight scenes and thrilling chases, Firecracker is an explosive action film.
A teenager finds her wayward sister running with thieves in San Francisco.
Fleeing the violence of Pancho Villa's revolution, a widow finds refuge with a unit of female freedom fighters known as soldaderas - only to discover her estranged sister among them.
A troubled teenager must save her little sister from a bloodthirsty fairy lurking in the forest before it devours them both.
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