Set in 1946 Ireland, a young girl named Fiona uncovers the truth about her family's ancestral ties to the selkies, mythical creatures who can transform from seals to humans. With the help of her cousin, Fiona sets out to rescue her long-lost brother who is believed to have been taken by the selkies. Along the way, she learns about the power of family, tradition, and the magic that lies within.
When a group of shipwrecked survivors is rescued by the mysterious and brutal Captain Wolf Larsen, they must navigate the treacherous waters of his sadistic leadership. As tensions rise and betrayals unfold, they must find a way to survive and seek revenge.
She's a beautiful stranger lost in his world. Can they find a place in each other's hearts?
In the 1980s and 1990s, a minister in a Scottish island community becomes obsessed with the mythology of the selkie, a mythical creature that can transform from a seal to a human. He begins to experience strange occurrences after a disappearance and encounters a mysterious woman who may hold the key to his obsession and the afterlife.
That most treacherous of all the treacherous cats, Oil Can Harry, tricks Might Mouse with just a tiny bit of sneering-and-leering treachery and, after binding Our Hero to a stump, takes off after Little Nell, a girl mouse, who has come to the Yukon country in a helicopter to trade fish for furs (although there is no shortage of either in the Yukon.)Oil Can gets Little Nell in an icy predicament, but Mighty Mouse breaks his bonds and flies up, up and away and arrives in the nick of time to save Little Nell. Where is Pearl Pureheart?
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