In 'The Hasty Hare,' Bugs Bunny finds himself in a cosmic clash with Marvin the Martian, an alien invader who is determined to capture him. With his quick wit and clever tricks, Bugs Bunny manages to outsmart Marvin and escape his clutches. This animated short film is filled with comedy, action, and a touch of science fiction.
Arizona Territory is in the grip of outlaw terror and killer outlaws, secretly organized by Hulon Champion, who covers his power ambitions with the guise of a respectable firearms merchant. Hoping to eradicate the lawlessness plaguing the newspaperman Fred Gately prints a letter asking the president to visit the area. But Fred's killed by secret gang leader Champion, who also plans to assassinate the president. Undercover officer Rocky Lane teams with his assistant, Nugget, and Fred's spunky daughter to combat Champion's head gunslinger.
A former Navy man attempts to redeem his honor by exposing a shipping tycoon's dealings with the enemy.
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