In the animated movie 'The Bears' Famous Invasion of Sicily,' a group of bears embark on a journey to rescue their kidnapped king. Along the way, they encounter wizards, magical creatures, and face various challenges. Their adventure takes them through snowy mountains, dark caves, and even a sea voyage. Can the bears overcome their fears and save their beloved king?
Flipper and Lopaka follows the adventures of Lopaka, a boy granted the ability to speak with marine animals, on his tribe's island home and the undersea city of Quetzo.
Under the Sea 3D takes you on a thrilling journey to the depths of the ocean, showcasing the exotic and vibrant marine life. From the coral reefs to the deep-sea trenches, witness the incredible creatures that call the sea their home. Immerse yourself in the stunning visuals and learn about the delicate balance of the underwater ecosystem. Experience the beauty and fragility of the ocean as you uncover its secrets and face the challenges posed by global warming.
Japan: Earth's Enchanted Islands is a captivating TV show that takes viewers on a journey through the breathtaking landscapes of Japan, showcasing its unique wildlife and natural wonders. From the majestic mountains of Honshu to the bustling streets of Tokyo, this documentary mini-series uncovers the secrets of Japan's enchanting islands. Discover the fascinating lives of macaque monkeys in the snow-covered mountains, witness the beauty of cherry blossoms in full bloom, and dive into the vibrant underwater world surrounding Okinawa. With stunning cinematography and insightful narration, this TV show provides a captivating look at the harmonious relationship between man and nature in Japan.
In this documentary, explore the enduring mystery of Atlantis, a legendary lost city that was said to have sunk beneath the waves. Learn about the various theories and historical accounts surrounding Atlantis, as well as its possible location and significance. Dive into the depths of the ocean and discover the wonders of marine life that inhabit the same waters where Atlantis may have once existed.
The year is 1945, months prior to Japan's ultimate defeat in WW2, and military lieutenant Sugawa is sent on a critical mission to deliver micro-fiche war plans to Tokyo from his base in Malaysia. But while flying over Chinese waters his plane is shot down and he is taken aboard a ship bound for Shanghai to deliver its merchandise - a ship filled with Female Slaves kidnapped from Japan. Will he abandon the women to pursue his main objective? Or will he fight foes, spies and pirates to save these women against all odds?
Andi joins her husband Tim on a tropical island to help him with the capturing of poisonous sea snakes for their venom. Her flagrant sensuality attracts the attention of hired hand Dak, and when Tim becomes bitterly obsessed with his faltering job, Andi shares an intimate afternoon with the obsessed crewman, but then refuses to continue the affair, which leads the jilted lover to begin a series of escalating violent events.
A constantly picked-on aquarium fish escapes her yacht home, unaware of the dangers that await her in the open ocean. With the help of other misfit sea creatures, she learns not only how to brave the perils of the deep, but how to be true to herself.
Over a million people a year are injected with animal venom, and many thousands die. We see how the nine main types of venom work their damage in the human body, using cases of actual victims who survived.
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