Octonauts is an animated TV show about a group of animal explorers who embark on underwater adventures. Led by Captain Barnacles, the team of anthropomorphic animals including an octopus, a cat, a smart rabbit, and a polar bear, go on missions to explore and protect the sea. They encounter various sea creatures, learn about aquatic ecology, and use their knowledge and technology to solve problems and help other animals. This educational and entertaining show is perfect for kids and families.
A teenage penguin named Cody dreams of becoming a professional surfer. Against the will of his family, he leaves his home in Antarctica to compete in the Big Z Memorial Surf Off on Pen Gu Island. Along the way, he forms a friendship with a chicken named Chicken Joe and faces challenges from a rival surfer named Tank. With determination and perseverance, Cody learns important life lessons and ultimately finds success.
In Surf's Up 2: WaveMania, a group of penguins and other anthropomorphic animals embark on a thrilling surfing adventure. They face various challenges, including quicksand, thunderstorms, and encounters with other animals on an island. With their surfboards in hand, they ride the waves and showcase their skills. Along the way, they form new friendships and learn important life lessons.
Flipper and Lopaka follows the adventures of Lopaka, a boy granted the ability to speak with marine animals, on his tribe's island home and the undersea city of Quetzo.
Marina, a lonely mermaid, is bored of underwater life. She wants legs. She goes to the sea witch. She is given a magic whistle that when blown, can turn her into a human or mermaid. The Prince and Marina fall in love but she can't stay with him until she can get the sea witch off her case.ja
Snow Animals is a captivating documentary that explores the lives and struggles of various snow animals in the harsh winter conditions. From the majestic polar bears of the Arctic to the adorable penguins of Antarctica, this film takes viewers on a journey of discovery and showcases the resilience and adaptability of these incredible creatures. With the help of advanced thermal cameras, we get a rare glimpse into their world and learn about the challenges they face due to global warming and changing environments. Join us on this breathtaking adventure as we witness the beauty and hardships of snow animals.
Gordon Buchanan goes to meet the world's cutest animals to reveal their hidden biology, and find out why people have such a strong emotional response to them.
Spy in the Snow is a captivating documentary that takes viewers on a fascinating journey into the snowy wilderness of Alaska, exploring the intriguing world of animal courtship and mating. From otter pups learning to swim to the elaborate displays of emperor penguins, this film offers an intimate and captivating look at the various species that call the Alaskan winter home. With stunning cinematography and expert narration, Spy in the Snow is a must-watch for nature enthusiasts.
Otter 501 is a heartwarming documentary that follows the incredible journey of a stranded baby otter named 501. Through a combination of rescue efforts and intensive care, 501 learns the skills necessary to survive in the wild and ultimately returns to the ocean. This inspiring film showcases not only the adorable nature of otters but also highlights the importance of ocean conservation and the delicate ecosystem they inhabit.
A sea otter who is afraid of the ocean is challenged to face his fears when he loses his precious pink shell necklace to the sea.
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