The Cove is a powerful documentary that exposes a hidden secret in the small town of Taiji, Japan, where dolphins are being slaughtered by the thousands. A group of activists, led by Ric O'Barry, infiltrate the town and use groundbreaking techniques to capture the brutal reality of the whaling industry. This shocking film sheds light on the dark side of humanity and the urgent need for ocean conservation.
Jigoku (1960) tells the story of a painter who is tormented by guilt after committing adultery and killing his wife. As he descends into hell, he is confronted by demons and various forms of torture. The film explores themes of revenge, guilt, and the consequences of one's actions.
In a remote Greek Orthodox monastery, a nun and a monk find themselves drawn to each other in a forbidden love affair. As they grapple with their desires, they must also confront their religious beliefs and the consequences of their actions.
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