Rodin is a biographical drama that explores the life and art of Auguste Rodin, a renowned sculptor. The film delves into his relationships, artistic creations, and struggles with love and passion. From his famous sculptures to his complex personal life, Rodin takes viewers on a journey through the mind of a creative genius.
A young sculptor artist is friend with an equally young and attractive hetero couple. He is in love with the guy and through this love, that he was blinded with jealousy. A jealousy that will lead to tragedy.
A Paris sculptor (Richard Dix) fakes blindness in Los Angeles to recover his blackmailed sister's love letters.
Stuck in a dream world of his own, Italian sculptor Albert Saporito, sometimes has difficulty separating truth from fiction. When he dreams that his gangster neighbor has been murdered, he reports the crime to the police, only to involve himself in a complicated situation.
Andrej, a programmer, is developing his smart house project. To perfect his program, he moved with his wife Zuzana to a test house. He strives to introduce a bonus into the program - care for his wife. Suddenly someone else, someone mysterious takes control of the program. The idyll of a perfect life is replaced by a nightmare and a struggle for survival.
A journey of love and hope, of courage and sacrifice, and one man's miraculous salvation through a life-saving liver transplant. FORCE OF DESTINY is a story of survival inspired by Paul Cox's personal experiences and his recent book Tales From the Cancer Ward.
A lonely Prince destined to solitude invites a sculptor to his court to make a piece of art just for him. As the days pass, the Prince and the sculptor grow closer and finally unveil the reason for the Prince's abandonment.
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