The Chosen is a drama TV show based on biblical stories, particularly focusing on the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples. It explores themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the power of faith. Set in 1st-century Palestine during the Roman Empire, the show delves into the historical and cultural context of the time. Through its compelling narrative, The Chosen offers a fresh perspective on well-known biblical events and characters.
In a world plagued by the presence of fearsome dragons, a young warrior sets out on a dangerous quest to become a dragonslayer and protect his kingdom from their destructive reign. Along the way, he must face mythical creatures, overcome personal obstacles, and discover the true power within himself.
A thought-provoking documentary that challenges the beliefs and myths of Christianity, delving into the concept of religious fanaticism and the fear of hell.
Jacob is tired of living on the family farm, submitting to the rules of his father. One day he demands an early inheritance from his father, who shocks his young son by agreeing to give it to him. So, he heads to the big city doing things his way without restraint, and for a while he does well-surprisingly well. He takes huge business risks and converts his small fortune into a big fortune, despite his extremely flamboyant lifestyle that attracts the wrong women, including seductive Laura, whose rich boyfriend Frank is often dangerously nearby. Jake had it all: money, ladies, prestige-but then-he loses it all and just when he things he's hit bottom the bottom drops some more- until he is eating out of dumpsters and eventually ends up living in a literal pig pen. Coming to his senses he heads home, determined to work in an entry level position for his dad, who surprises him once again by running to him-but is it to kiss him or kill him?
When governments use Covid emergency act edicts to restrict the gathering and worship of the Church, three pastors facing the risk of imprisonment, unlimited fines, and their own Churches splitting apart take a courageous stand and re-open in the face of a world that has chosen to comply.
The Book of Mormon Movie, Volume 1: The Journey (2003) tells the story of Joseph Smith, who receives visions from God and is guided to leave his home and embark on a sea voyage to the promised land. Along the way, he faces various challenges and tests of faith.
In "North Star (2022)", a rural rancher and his ailing husband, struggling against poverty and isolation, make a heartbreaking decision in order to preserve the dignity of their marriage.
David Whitmer, Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris face ridicule and persecution when they claim to have seen angels and hefted golden plates containing ancient inscriptions.
He promised to return. The scriptures foretell of seven events that will herald the second coming of Jesus Christ. Two are already part of history. Some are in the making now. The rest are in the near future. "The Seven Sign"s explains the prophetic visions of the Prophet David of the Old Testament, and the Apostle John of the New. What they saw was alarming. These biblical visions could be indications of where our civilization is headed in the future. As mankind peers into the troubled future, some see the new millennium as the beginning of the end.
The God Who Speaks is a documentary that traces the evidence for biblical authority and reliability.
A Christian minister explains to viewers why millions of Christians have suddenly vanished: the Rapture has occurred.
Religious Show of Mother Angelica, a key founder of EWTN.
When the Bible and the Book of Mormon are tested for authenticity, which one will pass the test?
Prophecies of the Passion is a documentary that delves into the biblical prophecies and events leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It explores the significance of these prophecies and their fulfillment in the life of Jesus.
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