Klovn is a dark-humored sitcom that follows the life of a troubled stand-up comedian and his friend who constantly find themselves in absurd and hilarious situations. The show explores themes of friendship, infidelity, narcissism, and the challenges of maintaining relationships.
Ed, Edd n Eddy follows the lives of three preteen boys, Ed, Edd, and Eddy, who have a variety of misadventures in their suburban neighborhood. They constantly scheme to make money, play pranks on their neighbors, and avoid the Kanker Sisters, a group of girls who have a crush on them. The show is known for its slapstick comedy, surreal humor, and unique animation style.
In 1930s Illinois, a mob enforcer's son witnesses a murder, prompting him and his father to flee. As they embark on a road trip, the father seeks redemption and revenge. Along the way, they confront organized crime and face the consequences of their actions.
Sonny, Richael, Steen and Patric dream of doing the perfect heist, but all have very different ideas about how it's done right. The tension rises as they have to spend a night in jail - after yet another failed heist. However, as the night progresses they have to come to terms with each other, in order to plan the perfect heist.
After quitting school and being fired from every possible job Bowser shocks his parents with an unexpected News Flash. "Mom , Dad, I know what I am going to be, I want to be a porn director". Dad freaks out Mom freaks out and we are all off to a good start. Now all Bowser and his partner in crime need is a simple thing called money. No problem! After mortgaging his parents house, then losing the cash on the train, only to see it pop up on the evening news, the boys go to the mob as the last resort. This is a royal mess. A comedy with more twists and turns then a Chicago Pretzel.
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