Harvie Krumpet is an animated film that tells the story of a man named Harvie, who faces a series of unfortunate events and challenges throughout his life. From his childhood in Poland to his move to Australia, Harvie experiences moments of triumph and tragedy, all while maintaining a dark sense of humor. The film explores themes of mortality, resilience, and the absurdity of life.
In Paul Bunyan, the legendary hero embarks on an adventure to save a small town from deforestation and the destruction of its charming one-room schoolhouse. Alongside his trusted companion, Babe the Blue Ox, Paul Bunyan battles against a powerful chainsaw-wielding machine and uses his strength to protect the town's cherished traditions. With stunning animation and heartwarming moments, this film brings the tall-tale of Paul Bunyan to life, capturing the spirit of American folklore.
A man opens fire on the statue of the Virgin during the 15th August procession. Barricaded in his home with his wife and daughter, he continues to shoot wildly. He refuses to open the door to the carabinieri and he refuses everything he needs, including water.
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