Eternal is a Canadian horror movie released in 2004, inspired by a true story. It depicts a tale of darkness, where a man is chained to a bed and sucked of his blood, ultimately portraying the desire for eternal youth and the sinister consequences that follow. With a Gothic ambiance, the movie highlights the twisted portrait of characters who engage in sex, violence, and bloodshed. This chilling tale takes place in a mansion, soaked in blood and filled with disturbing acts that test the limits of human evil.
When an alien spaceship crash-lands on Mars, a team of astronauts is sent on a rescue mission. They discover a vampire-like alien queen who must be stopped before she can escape to Earth.
Enter the Devil is a supernatural horror film from 1974 that follows the story of a Catholic priest who must perform exorcisms to save a young woman from demonic possession. As he delves into the world of the occult, he discovers a sinister plot involving a robbery and a secret cult. With elements of giallo and psychotronic films, the movie explores themes of masochism, sadism, and the supernatural power of demons.
In 1983, a group of army recruits on a remote island experience supernatural phenomena, including a female ghost and unexplainable deaths. As they try to uncover the truth, they realize the island holds dark secrets and superstitions.
The story of a cat, raised by an eagle, who learns to fly and uses his ability to save his future girlfriend from a vicious bulldog.
Two pilots fight a war in the distant future in their fighter-bomber spacecraft. But is their enemy the alien opponent, or each other?
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