A passionate yet unsuccessful comedian named Rupert Pupkin stalks and kidnaps his idol, Jerry Langford, to take the spotlight for himself. Set in New York City, Rupert navigates through his delusional fantasies and ruthlessly embarrassing situations in his pursuit of fame. He will stop at nothing to become a TV talk show host and surpass Jerry, but he fails to distinguish fantasy from reality. The movie follows Rupert's committed fantasy and our detached onlooker perception, showcasing the extreme lengths he is willing to go to achieve his ambition.
New York, New York is a romantic drama film that tells the story of a saxophonist and a singer who fall in love while pursuing their dreams in the jazz music scene of 1940s and 1950s New York City. As their careers blossom, their love and marriage are tested by the pressures of fame, conformity, and infidelity.
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