Hothead (1979) is a comedy-drama sports movie set in a provincial town in France in the 1970s. The story follows a factory worker who becomes a soccer player and faces class differences, scorn, and fame. He also deals with personal struggles including an extramarital affair and witnessing mob violence. The movie showcases the challenges and triumphs of the protagonist as he navigates his way through the world of soccer.
In House of Dark Shadows, a vampire is unleashed from his mausoleum and returns to his old estate, where he reunites with lost love. As the curse spreads, a young boy becomes the target of the vampire's attack. The doctor must find a cure to save the family and stop the evil cousin's malevolent plans.
An American radio reporter falls in love with a European baronness and gets caught in a web of deception and danger as they try to navigate their way through Nazi-occupied Europe.
Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary is a biographical documentary that provides a unique perspective on the inner workings of Nazi Germany through the memories of Hitler's secretary, Traudl Junge. The film delves into her experiences inside Hitler's bunker and the moral dilemmas she faced as she witnessed the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime. Through interviews and personal recollections, the documentary explores themes of subjectivity, remembrance, and the consequences of remaining silent in the face of evil.
Wealthy high school girls are sent to a boarding school to learn proper etiquette. Linda Simpson stays out all night. She tells her roommate, Betty Fleet, that it was because she's planning to elope. Linda gets in trouble when the faculty finds out from a monitor's report submitted by reluctant Natalie Freeman, a poor girl attending on scholarship.
As a boy, Raoul is reared by an Arab tribe in Algerian Sahara. Years later, as a refined Europeanized gentleman, he falls in love with Barbara, an officer's daughter, who rejects him when she discovers his background. Affecting a raid, he captures her and then secretly buys her at a slave auction. When she is rescued by French troops, however, his ancestry is established and they find happiness together.
On board a yacht sailing from India to Britain, the owner of the vessel is murdered by one of the passengers. (This film was produced both in full sound and silent versions, the latter for theaters that had not yet been wired for sound.)
Discovering that he has only a brief time to live Louisiana plantation owner Andres Miro makes arrangements to marry his young ward, Jacqueline Lanier, so when he dies, she will inherit his fortune. One of Jacqueline’s rejected suitors, Jack Calhoun kills Miro in a fit of anger, then shoots himself. A sleazy local reporter, looking to make a name for himself, drafts a story about the incident painting Jacqueline as responsible for the deaths of both men due to her infidelity. Big trouble and heartbreak follows.
Widely recognized as the planet's worst film director, Uwe Boll embarks on a quest to conquer Hollywood and take vengeance upon the film fanatics striving to destroy him. Filmed over three years on and off the set, 'Raging Boll' is a walk in the shoes of a man people love to hate.
To the distress of his family, Clem Hawley, retired from his garage business, spends his time and money in the company of Al, the local bootlegger.
A Tennessee boy (Bob Burns) returns from the big city, runs for mayor and puts his musical kin on the radio.
Talkie about a maid who is accused of killing the lady of the house
City girl marries country doctor, meets prejudice and exclusion when she tries to befriend the townspeople.
In the film, Breamer’s character, Miriam Holt (“the girl who sees around corners”), proves her psychic powers by locating children who went missing during the war. Her childhood love Clyde Brunton (Conrad Nagel) is unhappily married to a social climber, but Miriam’s ability to commune with the spirits of the dead (“those we love are always with us”) finds a way to resolve the problem.
Jack Bardell, a British aviator in World War I, a dashing hero to all who know him, is discharged following an airplane crash that occurred under suspicious circumstances. Invalided to private life, to the shame of his father, Lord Bardell, he gets his chance for redemption during a German Zepplin attack over London. He puts on a good show.
Scientist, Alexander Tom thought he had it all, great wife, great house, career... that was until the death of his best friend and a random affair with an anonymous woman force him to re-evaluate everything. In the ensuing days his relationships with his father, his wife, his co-worker and Walela, the mysterious woman, contribute to his edification that life is riddled with intangibles, that complacency and routine have deadened him and that despite his scientific understanding of life, there are other forces at play.
A stressed-out Kafkian man called Ruben retells an embarrassing dream he had. In it, his overbearing mother takes him, naked and embarrassed, to a noirish department store to buy him clothes, a penis and a wife. He looks for a way out.
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