The story centers on a little girl called Sana, who is one of the children that holds the power of "Alice's Dream," an ability that enables her to materialize anything she imagines. After escaping a lab where she was a test subject, Sana ends up in a normal world where she encounters an old man named Zouroku, but will he help her?
How does the world look in your eyes? Papika and Cocona, the heroines of the story, hold the keys to open the door. When the two girls meet, their adventures in a different time and different overlapping dimension called "Pure Illusion" begin. Many things in Pure Illusion will stand in the girls' way on their search for the mysterious crystal called the "Shard of Mimi," an item that is said to grant any wish. However, when the girls find themselves in danger, the Shard of Mimi shines, and they are able to transform.
Explore TV shows that are similar to America's Test Kitchen, a documentary series about cooking, recipes, chefs, and taste testing.
A team of cooks travel the country and scour the history books to find the very best traditional and contemporary American dishes, then bring them back to the test kitchen and develop practical, approachable recipes.
When an archaeological excavation unleashes an evil creature from an Indian burial ground in the New Mexico desert, a female sheriff and her deputy must fight to protect their town from the creature's attacks. With the help of an archaeologist, they uncover the creature's origins and find a way to destroy it before it destroys them all.
Charles Darwin's Genius is a TV mini-series that delves into the life and scientific achievements of the renowned biologist. It explores the clash between religion and science, focusing on the controversy surrounding Darwin's theory of evolution. The documentary examines the scientific research and analysis conducted by Darwin, highlighting key concepts such as natural selection and genetics. It also delves into the ideologies of religious fundamentalism and the implications of Darwin's theory on religious beliefs.
Unlock the secrets of the most celebrated and prized gem in the world. Learn why the Hope Diamond has inspired superstition and passion since its discovery centuries ago, and see how its unique qualities and mythic past have categorized the jewel as both a scientific marvel and a historical enigma.
Part-live-action, part-animation short about the importance of industrial research in a capitalist society, with a focus on the development of nylon fiber.
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