A Certain Magical Index follows the story of Touma Kamijou, a high school student with a mysterious power that cancels out any other supernatural abilities. He becomes involved in a secret organization known as Necessarius, and is tasked with protecting Index, a young nun who possesses forbidden magical knowledge. As Touma navigates through a world where magic and science collide, he must unravel the mysteries behind his own power and the true nature of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.
In a world where science has made magic obsolete, Adonis seeks revenge on the empire that took his mentor. What awaits at the end of his destructive path?
In the movie, Toma Kamijo and Index encounter a girl named Arisa as they become involved in a conflict between magicians and scientists, all seeking the power hidden within her.
An astronaut traveling to the Moon accidentally travels back in time to medieval England, where he encounters knights, jousting, and a love interest with an android.
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