Newton's Apple is an American educational television program produced and developed by KTCA, and distributed to PBS stations in the United States that ran from 1983 to 1999. The show's title is based on the rumor of Isaac Newton sitting under a tree and an apple falling near him—or, more popularly, on his head—prompting him to ponder what makes things fall, leading to the development of his theory of gravitation. The show was produced by Twin Cities Public Television. For most of the run, the show's theme song was Ruckzuck by Kraftwerk, later remixed by Absolute Music. Later episodes of the show featured an original song. An occasional short feature appeared called "Science of the Rich and Famous" in which celebrities appeared to explain a science principle.
Don't Ask Me was a popular British television science show made by Yorkshire Television for the ITV network and ran from 1974 to 1978. It attempted to answer science-based questions and contributors included Magnus Pyke, Rob Buckman, David Bellamy, Miriam Stoppard, and Derek Griffiths. Those behind the scenes included Adam Hart-Davis, who later became a well-known science presenter in his own right. The theme music was "House of the King" by the contemporary Dutch fusion band Focus. A follow up called Don't Just Sit There ran for 19 episodes from 1979 to 1980. It was also produced for Yorkshire TV and featured the same panel.
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