Tokyo Revengers follows the story of Takemichi Hanagaki, a young man who discovers that he can travel back in time to his middle school days. He uses this ability to try and save his girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana, from a tragic fate and change the course of his own life. Along the way, he becomes involved in the dangerous world of gangs and delinquency, facing numerous challenges and uncovering dark secrets.
After having escaped the Maze, the Gladers now face a new set of challenges on the open roads of a desolate landscape filled with unimaginable obstacles. They discover a corrupt organization called WCKD and join forces with a resistance group called The Right Arm to take them down and rescue their captured friend.
In a near future, a woman named Ren is developing a revolutionary new technology that allows people to experience a virtual reality world. However, when her brother is falsely imprisoned by a corrupt technology company, Ren enters the simulation to rescue him. As she navigates the virtual prison, Ren must confront her own past and face the ethical implications of her invention.
A deep space crew takes a job on a mysterious remote planet. A crash landing strands them on the hostile surface. Soon they find out what creatures live there, and the hidden fate of the crew before them.
The Mysterious Island follows a group of people who find themselves stranded on a mysterious island after their ship sinks. They must find a way to survive while encountering various challenges and creatures on the island.
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