In the movie Parasyte: Part 1, a high school student named Shinichi Izumi becomes the host of a parasitic alien creature that takes over his right hand. The alien, named Migi, forms a symbiotic relationship with Shinichi and gives him superhuman abilities. Together, they must navigate a world in which shape-shifting aliens are secretly taking over human bodies and orchestrating an alien invasion. As Shinichi tries to protect himself and those around him, he finds himself drawn into a police investigation into these alien parasites. With the help of Migi, Shinichi fights against the invading aliens and tries to maintain his humanity in the face of a gruesome and terrifying situation.
A detective is assigned to investigate a series of gruesome murders and demonic possessions in Mexico. As he delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a twisted web of satanic cults, drug smuggling, and supernatural horror. With the help of a priest, he must confront his own demons and find a way to stop the evil before it consumes everything.
The Life Before Her Eyes follows the story of a high school girl named Diana, who experiences a traumatic event that shapes the rest of her life. The film explores themes of guilt, survivor's remorse, and the consequences of choices, all while shifting between different timelines. As Diana struggles to come to terms with what happened, she must confront her own past and the decisions that led her to this point.
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