Yuigaoka Girls High School is a newly established school that lies between the Omotesando, Harajuku, and Aoyama neighborhoods of Tokyo. The story centers on its first batch of students. With no history, no upperclassmen or alumni, and no reputation, it is a school full of unknowns. Five girls, among them Kanon Shibuya, have a fateful encounter with school idols. Kanon decides, "I love singing. I want to make something come true with song!" Many feelings converge upon a star that has only started to grow. The future is blank and full of possibility for these girls, and their story that everyone will make possible has only just begun. Soar with your wings, our Love Live!
Nijigasaki High School is located in Odaiba, Tokyo. The school is popular due to its free school style and diverse majors. The story centers on the members of school idol club in Nijigasaki, and their attempt to prevent the club from being abolished.
Love Live! School Idol Project follows the story of a group of high school girls who form a music idol group called μ's (pronounced "Muse") and compete in various idol competitions. The series explores their struggles, friendships, and dreams as they navigate the competitive world of idol industry.
Love Live! Sunshine!! follows the story of Chika Takami, a high school student who becomes inspired to form a school idol group after watching the performances of the super popular group μ's. Together with her friends, they work hard to recruit members and participate in various competitions and events to become the top school idols.
Short anime based on the 4-koma series illustrating the daily lives of the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club’s members.
After the idol group Aqours has won the final Love Live! contest, its remaining members prepare to enroll at a new school only to run into some unexpected trouble while the former members go missing on the way to their graduation trip. Separated, the girls begin to realize the value of their friendships as they attempt to find a solution to their various crises.
The movie follows the journey of a group of school idols from Japan called Love Live! They embark on a trip to New York City to perform and spread their music. Along the way, they face challenges, make new friends, and discover the power of friendship and music.
The OVA of Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club set to premiere in theaters in 2023.
The first in a trilogy of Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai films that continues the story beyond season two and the OVA.
Bunny and a new Honey as secret agents on three missions
Shining Star: The Birth of New Luna-Queen is a fantasy musical movie about a young girl who becomes a magical girl idol and transforms into a shining star to save her world. With her singing, dancing, and magical powers, she fights against evil forces and brings hope to her fans.
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