In Crows Zero II, a high school graduate named Genji Takiya seeks revenge on a rival gang called the Serizawa Army who caused his friend's death. Genji enrolls in a rival high school, Suzuran All-Boys School, to challenge Serizawa and his gang. With his determination and hand-to-hand combat skills, Genji battles against Serizawa's loyal followers in order to establish his dominance and bring justice to his friend's death.
Crows Zero is about a student who transfers to a high school notorious for its gangs. He becomes involved in a violent gang war and must prove himself to be the toughest fighter to gain respect.
Our Times is a heartwarming film about a high school girl who finds herself transported back in time to her high school years in the 1990s. Faced with the challenges of first love, friendship, and growing up, she learns valuable lessons about life and discovers the true meaning of love.
After being stabbed by a student, a science teacher survives and moves to a new school where he must confront the challenges of working in an inner-city environment plagued by violence and chaos. As he tries to connect with his students and make a positive impact, he faces numerous obstacles and dangers.
When a hard-nosed police officer goes undercover as a high school student to investigate a weapons smuggling ring, he must contend with school bullies, cheating on tests, and even falling in love. Hilarity and action ensue as he fights crime both inside and outside the classroom.
After the death of his father, a high school student joins an all-boys school where he becomes entangled in a violent rivalry with a gang of juvenile delinquents. Seeking revenge for his father's death, he must navigate the dangerous world of gang conflicts and fight for his own survival.
Based on the loosely autobiographical novel of the same name by Toko Kon. Ken Yamanouchi stars as Togo Konno, the titular bastard.
High School Hellcats is a 1958 movie about a group of teenage girls who form a girl gang and become involved in a plot to commit murder. The movie explores themes of youth rebellion and delinquency.
While one kid is being bullied, another one witnesses the revolting situation. Filled with guilt, fear, and powerlessness; he starts wondering if just minding his own business is the right thing to do.
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