When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit follows the story of a 10-year-old Jewish girl named Anna and her family as they flee Germany in 1933 due to the rise of the Nazi regime. The film highlights their struggles and experiences as refugees in various locations, including Zurich, Switzerland, and Paris, France. Based on the autobiographical novel of the same name, it explores themes of anti-Semitism, family relationships, and resilience.
Under Wraps is a comedy family movie about three friends who accidentally awaken a 3,000-year-old mummy on Halloween night. They embark on a hilarious adventure to help the mummy find his long-lost love while trying to keep him hidden from their parents and the authorities. With the help of an ancient amulet, the kids and the mummy navigate through a haunted house attraction, a school carnival, and a Halloween party, encountering spooky creatures and making new friends along the way.
After their respective relationships end, a divorced man and a single woman find themselves starting over and navigating the challenges of love and relationships.
In a small country town, a trio of unlikely friends – Percy Boy, Keithy Cobb and Daisy Hawkins – band together to take the local school sports day title from a group of grade five bullies. But as Percy Boy trains with the help of his mates, he then discovers his supernatural ability to see lost souls – a gift passed down from his grandfather. Percy Boy must overcome his fears, prove his resilience and become a force to be reckoned with.
Dating Do's and Don'ts is a 1949 instructional film designed for American high schools, to teach teens basic dating skills.
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