Coming of age, summer camp and first love...
The film follows a teenage girl named Erica who is unpopular and constantly made fun of by her classmates. She dreams of becoming an actress and escapes her reality through her imagination. Erica's life changes when she meets Alison, a beautiful and popular girl at her school. Despite their differences, Erica becomes infatuated with Alison and tries to be her best friend, but Alison does not reciprocate the same feelings. The film explores themes of friendship, jealousy, and self-discovery.
Young Peter has a difficult time adjusting at school having been confined to a wheelchair after an accident. He still wants to participate in the school outing and play and wants to come up with a way to make the play actors 'fly' like fairies. By chance the local inventor Quirinus Drijfhout and his son Felix have just perfected their 'Zerostraler', a machine that can make any object float in mid air.
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