Sarah McDavid, an idealistic young teacher, takes a job in a rough high school where she is eventually attacked and raped in her classroom after school hours and decides to buck the school system in an attempt to make schools safer for students and teachers alike, against the advice of the school's principal, Dr. Keys, who tries to gloss over the hazardous conditions and the incident itself to avoid bad publicity and decreased enrollment.
A psychological drama that follows four high schoolers down a dark ride. As each struggle separately in their own lives they will soon discover that their lives are interconnected in ways they never would have guessed. They also effect each other in unimaginable ways which have devastating consequences. As they all lay bloody on the floor of their high school, only one question can be asked, "What could have been done to prevent this?" Pivot Point follows each of these characters on an unforgettable journey as they each plod down a lonely road. Only time will tell if they can reach out before it is too late.
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