Arabian Nights is a two-part TV movie that tells the story of Arabian Nights, an ancient Middle Eastern tale. It follows the adventures of Scheherazade, a brave and clever woman who must tell stories to an evil sultan in order to stay alive. Along the way, she encounters characters like Aladdin, Ali Baba, and a magical lamp. The movie explores themes of magic, adventure, and the test of character.
Arabian Nights: Volume 1, The Restless One is a drama film that takes place in Portugal during the economic crisis. It is inspired by the story of Scheherazade from One Thousand and One Nights. The film explores various themes such as unemployment, poverty, and the impact of the recession on the working class.
Arabian Nights (1942) tells the story of a courageous adventurer who must rescue a damsel in distress and unravel the treacheries of the caliph's court in order to save the kingdom. With breathtaking action scenes, heartwarming romance, and unexpected twists, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Shahrazad travels through desert searching for the man she loves and who she believes she has lost forever. She arrives at a castle, the home of a prince who kills anyone who dares enter. She convinces the prince to grant her one night to tell him a story, their story, a story that lasts one thousand and one nights...
The second volume of Miguel Gomes' Arabian Nights trilogy tells the story of various individuals affected by the economic crisis in Portugal. With a mix of social commentary, fantasy elements, and intertwined narratives, it explores themes of poverty, misery, and the human experience.
Arabian Nights: Volume 3, The Enchanted One is the third installment of the Arabian Nights trilogy. It explores various stories set in different parts of Portugal, focusing on the societal and economic crisis of the country. The film incorporates both fiction and documentary elements, delving into themes of political corruption, social injustice, and the power of storytelling.
A young man assembles a band of adventurers to take on an evil sultan.
A desert guerilla, with flashing scimitar, opposes a tyrannical prince and marries the caliph's daughter.
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