Frankie & Alice is a biographical drama film based on the true story of a dancer named Frankie who suffers from multiple personality disorder. Set in the year 1957 in Savannah, Georgia, the film explores racial issues and prejudice. Frankie's alter ego Alice is a go-go dancer and the film delves into her struggle to overcome her mental illness. The story touches on themes of racism, interracial relationships, and the challenges faced by a female psychiatric patient. The film also portrays Frankie's journey towards self-discovery and acceptance.
Police Commander Louise Chaland is investigating the murder of a controversial sculptor with the help of her son Sylvain, who has become a priest. The body was discovered alongside one of his works, which has been daubed with Latin inscriptions. They soon establish a link with the disappearance of a relic of Saint Martin, the patron saint of the city of Tours. Their investigation leads them to a shelter for the needy, run by François Delcourt and his daughter, who was in love with the murdered artist. Clues start to reveal the disturbing fascination some inhabitants of Tours have with the missing relic. Louise and Sylvain will discover the rich historical and religious heritage of the city as the secular mother and pious son come to some sort of a reconciliation.
Donna wakes up in the hospital with amnesia and a baby. At the same time news breaks of a kidnapped baby causing Donna to question if the baby is hers.
A 16 year old son and his single mother are forced to reckon their true identities. What and who is an accidental hero? The answers are forthcoming as tragic circumstances upset the lives of our protagonists.
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