Pictures of Hollis Woods is a drama movie based on the novel of the same name. It follows the story of a scatter-brained girl named Hollis Woods who finds solace in art and a foster family. Hollis, a talented artist, struggles with forgetfulness and a troubled past. She eventually finds herself in a truck crash and ends up in a hospital. After running away from her current foster family, she finds a new home in a log cabin with a kind and patient foster mother named Josie. Hollis learns to drive a stick-shift and develops her artistic skills with the help of Josie, a talented painter and wood sculptor. Throughout the movie, Hollis navigates her way through the challenges of her past while forming meaningful connections and discovering her true identity.
Thrill of a Romance is a romantic comedy set at a hotel resort where a wealthy businessman falls for a scatter-brained woman. Their honeymoon gets derailed but they eventually find love through various comical situations.
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