WandaVision is a surreal TV mini-series that follows the story of Wanda Maximoff, a witch with supernatural powers. Set in different decades, the show explores Wanda's suburban life with her android husband Vision, blending sitcom comedy with superhero action. As the series progresses, mysterious events unfold and the true nature of Wanda's reality is revealed.
After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War, the universe is in ruins. With the help of their remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more to steal the Infinity Stones back from Thanos and use them to reverse his actions and restore balance to the universe. They face challenges and sacrifices along the way, but ultimately succeed in defeating Thanos and saving the universe.
When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner try to jump-start a dormant peacekeeping program called Ultron, things go wrong. The Avengers must stop Ultron from destroying humanity.
Doctor Strange teams up with a teenage girl who can travel between dimensions to battle threats across the multiverse. They seek help from Wanda the Scarlet Witch, Wong, and others.
Tony Stark, a billionaire industrialist, builds a high-tech suit of armor to save his own life and becomes the superhero Iron Man. He uses his advanced technology to fight against various villains and protect the world from threats.
The Super Hero Squad Show follows the adventures of a group of superheroes, including Iron Man, Wolverine, and the Hulk, as they work together to protect the world from evil. Along the way, they face off against villains like Doctor Doom and Abomination, and learn valuable lessons about teamwork and friendship.
From Carol Danvers and Wanda Maximoff to the women of Wakanda and The Guardians of the Galaxy, this series unpacks the journeys of these characters from their birth in Marvel Comics to the MCU and beyond. Archival footage, imaginative animation and candid interviews work in tandem to profile how these characters and the women behind their success have impacted fans around the world.
A group of superheroes known as The Avengers join forces to protect the world from various threats and villains using their unique powers and abilities. Together, they must learn to work as a team and overcome their differences to save the day.
When Thanos steals the quantum tunnel, the Avengers embark on a mission to stop him from changing history.
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