The Morning Show follows the story of a popular morning show and the people behind it. When a scandal involving the co-host breaks, the show's executive producer is forced to navigate through the aftermath and deal with the consequences. Greed, scandal cover-ups, secret romances, and the struggle for power in the TV industry are all explored in this workplace drama set in the 2010s and 2020s.
An egotistic top male model and a pretty model wannabe are forced to live each other's lives until they figure out a way to undo their body switch.
The Armstrong Lie is a documentary that chronicles the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong, a professional cyclist who achieved great success but was later exposed for doping. The film delves into his career, his battle with testicular cancer, and the scandal that tainted his legacy. It explores themes of deception, ambition, and the pursuit of excellence.
A conservative Mumbai suburb is bestirred by the arrival of an alluring cosmopolitan woman in their midst. When a wide-eyed 13-year-old boy pursues a friendship with her, he stumbles upon her secret past and is thrust headlong into adulthood.
Trinitie Childs, the first lady of a prominent Southern Baptist Mega Church, and her husband Lee-Curtis Childs, a pastor, face a huge scandal that forces their church to temporarily close. In order to make a comeback, they must rebuild their congregation and redefine commodified religion.
A mother's struggle to rescue her daughter from the NXIVM cult, a notorious organization involved in sex trafficking and brainwashing. Based on a true story of scandal and the fight for justice.
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