The Morning Show follows the story of a popular morning show and the people behind it. When a scandal involving the co-host breaks, the show's executive producer is forced to navigate through the aftermath and deal with the consequences. Greed, scandal cover-ups, secret romances, and the struggle for power in the TV industry are all explored in this workplace drama set in the 2010s and 2020s.
Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes is a TV show that delves into the sexual abuse scandal surrounding Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. Through interviews, archive footage, and audio tapes as evidence, the show explores the predatory behavior, the MeToo movement, and the cover-up attempts within the industry. It sheds light on the experiences of the victims and the efforts of journalists and whistleblowers to expose the truth.
Suzy is a showgirl in Paris who becomes involved with espionage, murder, and a forbidden romance during World War I.
Hooligan Sparrow is a documentary that follows the story of Ye Haiyan, also known as Hooligan Sparrow, an activist who fights for women's rights in China. She becomes the target of a government surveillance campaign after she starts protesting against suspected child abuse and the cover-up of a sexual exploitation scandal. The film explores her journey as she faces harassment, incarceration, and a corrupt legal system.
Care is a 2000 movie that tells the story of a care home in Wales where a detective constable uncovers a scandal of child abuse and sexual grooming. The movie explores the dark secrets of the care system and the cover-up attempts by corrupt officials. It also focuses on the estranged relationship between a mother and her son who was a victim of sexual abuse. The plot follows the detective's relentless pursuit of justice and the emotional turmoil faced by the characters involved.
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