Venus Versus Virus revolves around the life of a young girl named Sumire Takahana who has had the power to see ghosts since she was a small child, though no one believes her. One night while running to her dorm building to make curfew, a broach flies out of no where and she pricks her finger on it and sees a demon. Suddenly, another girl clad in gothic lolita clothing arrives bearing a huge gun and kills the demon. Once the ordeal is overwith, the girl gives Sumire a flier for a local clothing store, Venus Vanguard. When Sumire comes to the store, the girl, whose name is Lucia Nabashi, she explains to her that because she pricked her finger on Lucia's broach, Sumire now has the power to see demons as well as ghosts. Additionally, Lucia now wants Sumire to help her rid the world of these demons called Virus that threaten to consume all of humanity.
Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital is a supernatural drama series set in a haunted hospital in Maine. It follows the story of multiple protagonists who are faced with ghosts, psychic powers, and a secret society. The hospital is also plagued by unethical doctors and a creepy ghost girl.
Ink follows the story of a father who enters the dream world to save his daughter's soul from an evil creature called Ink. He must navigate through different dimensions and confront his own guilt and self-loathing along the way. With the help of a mysterious storyteller, he learns about sacrifice, redemption, and the power of love.
A young woman agrees to model for an artist as the Virgin Mary. His strange influence triggers her repressed sexual urges, causing her to have delusions and nightmares about spiders and other grotesque imagery.
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