Set in 1862 Ireland during the trauma of the Great Famine, 'The Wonder' follows Elizabeth, an English nurse, as she is sent to observe a fasting girl named Anna. As she tries to uncover the truth, Elizabeth faces resistance from the locals who blame the English for the famine. With the help of a journalist named William, Elizabeth discovers that Anna has been secretly fed by her family. As Anna's condition worsens, Elizabeth takes drastic measures to save her life. The story explores themes of faith, sacrifice, and the consequences of deception.
In the Canadian Northwest, the Chippewa tribe struggles to find food before the onset of winter.
Faux documentary told in first-person narration, about an "adventuress" who sets sail to Guatemala with her father and two male crewmen, rescues them when their fresh-water supply is compromised, finds a treasure map, and attempts to steal a fabulous emerald from a ruined temple, much to the aggrevation of a worshipful native princess and her subjects.
Sedgewick Blynn is determined to marry a rich woman. One night he saves a child from a fire. Bessie Morgan, an heiress charmed by his act of heroism, promises to marry him, but at the last minute her father forbids it. Soon after, Blynn receives a telegram informing him of the death of his mother, and he realizes that he has wasted his life.
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