In The Odd Couple II, two old friends, Felix and Oscar, reunite after many years for a road trip adventure to attend their children's wedding. Along the way, they face numerous hilarious and unexpected obstacles, including lost luggage, stolen wedding gifts, and run-ins with the police. As they navigate the ups and downs of the journey, their friendship is tested and they must confront unresolved issues from their past.
Christine is based on the true story of television reporter Christine Chubbuck, who, in 1974, committed suicide on live television. The film explores her personal struggles, including depression, dissatisfaction, and a broken dream. It delves into the pressure of television ratings, workplace issues, and her mental illness. Christine's tragic end shocked the nation and left a lasting impact on the media industry.
Fear Strikes Out tells the true story of Jimmy Piersall, a talented baseball player who battles with bipolar disorder and a dysfunctional relationship with his father.
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