The Lovers on the Bridge is a romantic drama set in Paris. It tells the story of an unlikely romance that unfolds between a painter and a fire-eater on the famous Pont Neuf bridge. Despite their turbulent lives and the challenges they face, their love blossoms amidst the beauty of the city. The film explores themes of obsession, addiction, and the transformative power of love.
Monsieur Oscar leads a series of strange lives, from a beggar to a family man to an assassin, all while traveling in a limousine driven by Céline.
Nocturama follows a group of young terrorists as they plan and carry out a series of bombings in Paris. The film explores their motivations, the aftermath of their actions, and the societal consequences of their violence. Set against the backdrop of a department store, the protagonists navigate the chaos of the night, blurring the lines between terrorism and rebellion.
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