Feast of the Seven Fishes is a heartwarming comedy-romance that takes place during Christmas in an Italian-American family. The story follows the events of Christmas Eve in the 1980s, focusing on a working-class family living in rural Pennsylvania. The film explores themes of love, family, and tradition, as well as the challenges and joys of growing up and finding oneself. As the family gathers together to prepare the traditional Feast of the Seven Fishes, tensions rise and old wounds resurface, but ultimately they find joy, laughter, and love in each other's company.
AWOL follows a young woman who falls in love with a mysterious older woman and decides to leave her small town life behind in rural Pennsylvania to join the army. As their relationship deepens, she finds herself torn between her love for the woman and her duty as a soldier. The choices she makes will have lasting consequences for her and those around her.
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