The Owl House follows the story of a teenage girl named Luz who stumbles upon a magical portal and finds herself transported to a mysterious world called the Boiling Isles. There, she discovers that she has magical abilities and becomes an apprentice to Eda, a powerful witch. Together with her friends, Luz must navigate through a world filled with witches, monsters, and other fantastical creatures while unraveling the mysteries of the Owl House and her own magical abilities.
Britannia is a TV show set in the 1st century during the Roman conquest of Britain. The story revolves around the clash between powerful sorcerers, warring factions, and the Roman army. As the Roman forces invade Britannia, a group of druids and a strong female warrior stand against them. The show is filled with magic, runes, horseback riding, and the battle for control over the land.
South of Hell follows Maria Abascal, a demon hunter for hire who struggles with her own personal demons as she hunts and vanquishes supernatural beings in South Carolina. She is possessed by a demon named Abigail who offers her power and protection in exchange for using her body as a vessel. Maria fights against her own inner demons while battling the supernatural forces that threaten the innocent.
Night of the Demon follows a skeptical professor who becomes embroiled in a race against time to stop a demonic curse unleashed by a Satanic cult. As he delves deeper into the investigation, the professor uncovers a web of dark secrets and supernatural powers. With the help of a psychologist and a spirit medium, he must find a way to defeat the evil creature before it claims its next victim.
While on vacation, two couples witness a satanic ritual and become targets of a killer cult. They must embark on a dangerous race for survival, facing car chases, snake attacks, and corrupt sheriff in an effort to expose the evil cult.
An office clerk, unsuccessfully trying to make a career and win a girl's love, meets an economic consultant who is really successful and independent and has a strange hobby - Old Turkic runes.
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